Adds the ability for the gnome to pick up and place obstacles, and adds some in-progress walking animations for multiple directions. Adds many new varieties of flowers. Improves sunlight collision detection efficiency, which enabled increasing plant and obstacle density.
Adds a camera system that follows the gnome when the viewport is smaller than the scene. Updates shadow system to calculate shadows based on individual shadow emitter positions instead of a fixed position. Adds flying creatures to shadow system.
Adds ferns and introduces test pages for testing individual features. The first test page is for plants, they can be accessed by passing the query parameter ?scene=plants to the end of the url
Adds the first iteration of a dynamic music system generated by the environment, creatures and player actions. Adds a downward-direction walking animation for Pan.
Introduces Pan the Gnome as the playable character. Adds basic pathfinding and movement. Adds custom cursor.
Complete rebuild in phaser.js. Adds moss, flowers, ivy, slugs, bees, flies, and twigs. Adds hyration/evaporation/condensation/precipitation system.
Integrates hydration system into the grid. Adds randomly placed stream.
Exploration laying objects on a grid system.
Adds rudimentary hydration system and clouds for watering.
reads seed via query params.
Same as 0.2.3, but with Ant and Grasshopper debug visuals disabled and more flora.
Refactors Ant, Grasshopper and Mushroom behavior to rely on Finite State Machine architecture. Increases size of Ground area. Adds acorns. Leaves Foraging and Attack Radiuses and targeting arrows enabled to demonstrate systems.
Adds grasshopper. Makes rocks block ant pathing.
Adds multiple ant factions, rudimentary ant-ant combat and ant corpse-disposal. Adds rocks.
Removes trees to work on forest-floor scale. Adds Sunlight, Grass, Ants and AntHills. Increases size of ground area.
Removes trees to work on forest-floor scale. Adds Sunlight, Grass, Ants and AntHills. Increases size of ground area.
Adds mushrooms that die after releasing spores.
More realistic looking trees.
Exploration of multiple tree growth types, randomized.
Better looking trees, time-scaling during growth.
First attempt at dynamic tree growth.
The original Into the Thicket experience from 2012.